Research Projects

Understanding the implementation process, financial risk protection and factors influencing renewal of a voluntary health scheme in advocating UHC
Year: 2016
IRB Number: 2016-89
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Universal Health Coverage Brac Health Security Programme Voluntary Health Scheme Implementation Bangladesh

PI: Professor Malabika Sarker 

Objective:Putting the concept of universal health coverage in the center we have structured the research activity and assessment of bHSP with an inclusive approach. In this study, we will try to address the following research objectives:

• To assess the factors influencing decisions to re-enroll or non-renewal in a voluntary health scheme in peri-urban context of Bangladesh.
• To understand the contribution of voluntary health scheme towards removing financial constraints of health care seeking behavior among the newly enrolled beneficiaries.
• To document the process of implementing a voluntary health scheme and identify the barriers of implementation in peri-urban context of Bangladesh.

Donor: Health, Nutrition and Population Programme, BRAC

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