Research Projects

Health, hygiene and housing in Bangladesh
Year: 2017
IRB Number: 2017-014-IR
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Contamination Health Behaviour Diarrhea Hygiene Bangladesh

PI: Professor Malabika Sarker


To reduce risk of bacterial and parasitic infection through flooring reconstruction in homes that currently have dirt/mud floors.

Specific Objective:
• To determine risk of exposure to parasitic or bacterial contaminants to be reduced since implementation of the project.
• To determine diarrheal episodes to be reduced among beneficiary families in relation to non-beneficiary families.
• To understand knowledge and practice of health behavior (Sanitation and hygiene) related to diarrhea among beneficiary, non-beneficiary families and community people.
• To explore beneficiary families’ responses to home upgrades and reasons.
• To explore demand for home upgrades among non-beneficiary families and community people.

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