Research Projects

Assessment of the nutrition status and pre-COVID-19 and two years into the pandemic comparison
Year: 2022 - 2022
IRB Number: IRB-16 March'22-009
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH

PI: Dr. Malay Kanti Mridha, PhD

Coordinator: Dr. Sakib Rahman

Objective:The overall objective of the proposed action is to institutionalize the nutritional surveillance into a national framework with the support of the National Nutrition Services (NNS). The specific objectives of the surveillance are:
1.        To assess household socio-economic status, food security and water, sanitation and hygiene practices from household head.
2.        To assess under 5 children’s feeding practice.
3.        To assess dietary diversity and diet quality from the adolescents (boy and girl), women in reproductive age, adult male and elderly persons (male and female).
4.        To determine nutritional status of through measurement of:
i.        Height, weight and Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) of <5 children.
ii.        Height and weight for adolescent boys and girls (10-19 years).
iii.        Height, weight and waist circumference for women of reproductive age (20-59 years), adult male (20-59 years) and elderly person (>60 years male and female).
5.        To identify behavioral risk factors (Inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables, smoke/smokeless tobacco, insufficient physical activity) of adolescent, adult male, female and elderly people (male and female).
6.        To identify the proportion of adult and elderly participants who are hypertensive.
7.        To compare selected health and nutrition indicators between pre- and post-Covid-19 pandemic

Methodology: Quantitative

Donor: UNICEF Bangladesh

Partner: Institute of Nutrition and Food Science (INFS), University of Dhaka

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