Research Projects

Youth with disabilities' lived experiences, aspirations, and current engagements in livelihoods in Bangladesh, and how they can share them with local decision-makers
Year: 2020 - 2022
IRB Number: IRB-13 December'20-055
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Youth Disabilities

PI: Professor Malabika Sarker

Co PI: Mrittika Barua, PhD

Coordinator: Sayema Akter

Objective:The general objective of the study is to understand the experiences, aspirations and challenges of youths with disability in their livelihood in Bangladesh and, to explore the inclusion of young people with disabilities into policy dialogues around the implementation of SDG8: decent work and economic growth. 

Methodology: Qualitative method

Donor: British Academy

Partner: Sightsavers

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