Research Projects

Evaluating impacts of a targeted homestead food production intervention on the nutrition of whole communities: an evaluation of Making Markets Work for Women (M2W2) scale-up project
Year: 2015
IRB Number: 2015-63
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Nutrition Intervention Young Children Adolscent Girl M2W2 Knowledge Dissemination Impact

PI: Abdul Kader

Objective:The study objectives will encompass the following:

● How this targeted intervention affects dietary diversity and nutritional status of whole communities - beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. A comparison of impacts between communities that did and did not receive the intervention? What synergies exist between the different project components?
● How do different groups benefit from the intervention? (For example: Do young children in certain age groups benefit more than others? What is the impact of this intervention on adolescent girls?)
● What are the uptake patterns of new practices and technologies among non-beneficiaries in target communities? What are the mechanisms for the dissemination of knowledge, skills, and behaviors?
● What pathways of impact – such as improved care seeking, increased income, or greater maternal autonomy – are more closely associated with improved nutritional outcomes in project communities?
● Do observed impacts persist after the intervention ends? What is the time frame of dissemination of impacts? The sustainability assessment will show if and how benefits fan out/”trickle up”
● What differences are there in dietary patterns in intervention communities and nonintervention communities? What differences are there in dietary patterns between communities based on their ethnic make-up and degree of isolation/remoteness?

Donor: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP) Grant

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