Research Projects

lmplementation science for global health: lessons learned from the global polio eradication initiative
Year: 2018 - 2022
IRB Number: 2018-016-IR
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Communicable Disease Poliomyelitis Polio Eradication Initiative Acute Flaccid Paralysis Bangladesh

PI: Professor Malabika Sarker

Co PI: Dr. Yameen Mazumder

Coordinator: Dr. Humayra Binte Anwar

Objective:- Map knowledge content from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI);

- Package GPEI knowledge assets for a global health course and training materials
on implementation science;
- Validate GPEI-IS course, MOOC and training materials for the clinic;
- Disseminate GPEI-IS knowledge products, courses, IS clinics to different targeted audiences.
- Track impact of GPEI-IS knowledge product over time.

Methodology: Mixed method

Donor: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Partner: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

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