BRAC Health, Nutrition and Population Programme (HNPP): impact evaluation and social return on investment of selected programmes
Year: 2020
IRB Number: 2020-002-lR
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
PI: Professor Zahidul Quayyum, PhD
Objective:The main objective of this study is to identify and evaluate the contributions of BRAC HNPP programmes as a set of changes in the lives of the disadvantaged population not limited to health only but spanning beyond to other sectors of development. A ‘contribution analysis’ approach is adopted by comparing between what happened and what would have happened in the absence of the programme. Thus, along with a credible and evidence-based narrative, the study aims at reviewing the ‘value for money’ propositions of the investments made based on the ‘social return of investment’ concept and DALYs averted to evaluate the overall impact of BRAC HNPP.
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