Cost benefit analysis of BRAC Play Lab Models for children in government primary schools of Bangladesh
Year: 2021
IRB Number: N/A
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
PI: Professor Zahidul Quayyum, PhD
The general objective of this study is to conduct a cost analysis and cost-benefit analysis of BRAC play labs for the 4-5 years old children at 300 government primary schools to determine the value for money of the program.
Specific objectives are:
a) To identify all the costs (capital, recurrent, unrealized) associated to the program
b) To estimate both the total actual and economic costs incurred in the program
c) To estimate unit cost of providing play-based learning to each child enrolled in the program
d) To measure benefits of the play-based learning models for each child
e) To calculate cost benefit ratio of the BRAC Play labs
f) To show comparative analysis of cost per child and cost benefit ratios with other pre-primary learning models in LMIC countries
Donor: BRAC Institute of Educational Development
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