Research Projects

Facilitators and barriers of management of multidrug resistant Tuberculosis in Bangladesh: an implementation research through gender lens
Year: 2022 - 2023
IRB Number: IRB-8 June'22-019
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Implementation Research Communicable Disease Tuberculosis Gender Mdr Tb

PI: Mrittika Barua, PhD

Co PI:

Avijit Saha

Dr Mohiuddin Ahsanukl Kabir Mohit

Coordinator: Avijit Saha

Objective:To generate evidence that helps identify the enablers and bottlenecks that impact the delivery of current management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Bangladesh and how gender intersects with other social variables influenced by specific contextual and structural determinants potentially leading to different gendered experiences and thus gender inequality.

Methodology: Mixed method



Partner: NTP

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