Research Projects

Qualitative Study on Water Salinity and Sexual and Reproductive Health among Adolescents and Women of Reproductive age group in two Districts of Bangladesh
Year: 2023 - 2024
IRB Number: IRB-15 November-23-040
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Salinity Water Salinity Coastal Region Srhr

This study investigates sexual and reproductive health challenges in high-water salinity areas of Bangladesh, emphasizing women, girls, and health services accessibility and menstrual hygiene management.

PI: Mrittika Barua

Co PI: Humayra Binte Anwar

Coordinator: Ishrat Jahan

Objective:1. To identify sexual and reproductive health issues faced by women and girls in areas with high water salinity in Bangladesh (as perceived or experienced by women and girls, healthcare professionals [including community health workers] providing services to them).
2. To identify particular challenges faced by adolescent girls and women of reproductive age regarding menstrual hygiene management.
3.  To map existing SRHR health services and commodities available to residents of areas with high water salinity.

Methodology: Qualititaive

Donor: - UNFPA

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