Research Projects

Menstrual regulation, abortion and post-abortion care among the Rohingya in Bangladesh
Humanitarian Hub
Year: 2021 - 2024
IRB Number: IRB- 2 September’21-027
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Menstruation Abortion Sexual And Reproductive Health And Rights Rohingya Bangladesh Maternal Care Srhr

Under this project, researchers are investigating MR, abortion, and PAC services in Cox's Bazar refugee camps. Examining ever-married community members' awareness, preferences, stigma impact, and health literacy on abortion-related behavior, while considering community leaders' and men's roles in unintended pregnancy management.

PI: Dr. Kaosar Afsana, PhD


Atiya Rahman
Dr. Pragna Paramita Mondal
Tasnima Haque Mim


Objective:- To understand the provision of MR, abortion and PAC services in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps.

- To explore ever-married community members’ knowledge and use of MR, abortion and PAC services through both formal and informal sources, and better understand the role of preferences, stigma and health literacy on women’s abortion-related behavior.
- To contextualize these experiences within the community through understanding the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of community leaders and men related to the management of unintended pregnancies.

Methodology: Mixed method

Donor: Guttmacher Institute, Inc

Partner: Guttmacher Institute, BAPSA

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