Research Projects

Formative and implementation research: exploring the implementation setting to better inform the design of the integrated nutrition and deworming program: improving adolescent girls’ health & nutrition (DAWN) and inform the process of developing effective behavior change intervention.
Year: 2017
IRB Number: 2017-005
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Formative Research Implementation Research Nutrition Anemia Iron Folic Acid Supplementation Deworming Adolescent Behavior Change Communication Knowledge Attitude Practice

PI: Dr. ASM Shahabuddin

Co PI: Dr. Faruk Ahmed


The overall objective of this formative and implementation research is “to construct a more accurate understanding of the Bangladeshi context and to explore the implementation setting which would include school administration, options and best time to interact with girls, possible intervention delivery mechanisms, likely players at different levels to deliver intervention, effective involvement of the community; to inform the process of developing an effective behavior change strategy among adolescent girls”; and to inform the program planners of possible operational strategies and outcome indicators for the project.

Specific Objectives:
Objective 1: Collect needed data pertaining to the selected delivery platform for the DAWN activities.
Objective 2: Collect information on the perspectives of service providers and adolescent girls that are needed to design effective behavior change communication to support demand, implementation, acceptability, utilization, and compliance for WIFA.
Objective 3: Collect data on the dosage and supply chain for WIFA and STH medications.
Objective 4: Build an understanding of the best options to operationalize a pre-designed intervention.
Objective 5: Suggest design models for delivery and promotion of WIFA in order to enhance the design of the demonstration project.
Objective 6: Refine primary outcomes and determine co-variates to be included in the analysis of evaluation data and the secondary outcomes that may result from this intervention.
Objective 7: Suggest the design of a process evaluation for the program.

Donor: Micronutrient Initiative (Nutrition International)

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