Research Projects

Assessment of post-crash care system in Bangladesh
Year: 2020
IRB Number: 2020-004-IR
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Post-Cash Care System Road Traffic Accident Emergency Care Trauma Care Bangladesh

PI: Dr. Syed Masud Ahmed, PhD


To assess the existing pre-hospital and hospital-based trauma care services in order to get a holistic picture of post-crash system in Bangladesh and develop key recommendations for improving the post-crash system so that mortality and morbidity associated with Road Traffic Accidents are reduced.


i) Review, synthesise and critically analyse available information, published and unpublished, to develop an overview of current post-crash care situation in the country.

ii) Assess current capacity and performance and identify gaps in pre-hospital trauma care services comprising a) on-the-spot bystander care, and b) ambulance-based basic and advanced pre-hospital care.

iii) Assess current capacity and performance and identify gaps in hospital-based trauma care (from PHC to tertiary care level facilities of the above areas).

iv) Elicit perceptions and experiences of key stakeholders in the study areas and also, at central level of policy and practice and their suggestions to improve the situation.

Donor: World Bank

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