Research Projects

Community based prevalence of eye diseases, health care seeking behavior and willingness to pay for eye care in poor urban community of Dhaka city
Year: 2014
IRB Number: 2014-37
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Eye Disease Health Care Seeking Behaviour Eye Care Urban Health Facility Diagnostic System Referral Service

PI: Professor Malabika Sarker

Co PI:

Objective:The objectives of this study are to:

● Assess geographical distribution of urban health facilities that provide eye care and generate information about health workforce, type of services provided, including cost of services, availability of diagnostic equipments, and referral system.
● Identify the prevalence of cataract among ≥30 year old slum dwellers.
● Identify the prevalence of self-reported eye problems among ≥18 year old slum dwellers.
● Identify and understand the determinants of eye health seeking behaviours, barriers and enablers to access to eye care services in poor urban community and their perception.
● Assessment of a willingness to pay for provision of spectacles for patients with impaired visual acuity.

Donor: BRAC & Sightsavers Bangladesh

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