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Mushfiqur Rahman


Centre of Excellence for Science of Implementation and Scale-Up (CoE-SISU)

Short Biography

Mushfiqur Rahman is a Deputy Research Coordinator at BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh. He is an experienced project manager with a theoretical background in business administration and demonstrated history of working in public health research and non-governmental organizations. His interest and expertise lie in designing, implementing, and managing research and development projects and evaluating social programs in developing countries. He is skilled in conceptualizing and conducting mixed-method research and disseminating research findings. Besides his research endeavors, Mushfiqur has served as a teaching fellow and course instructor in the modules of Quantitative Research Methodology, Monitoring and Evaluation, Implementation Research, and Epidemiology of Infectious Disease of Master’s in Public Health Programs at BRAC JPGSPH. Furthermore, he has mentored the MPH students with their thesis on Tropical Disease Research and COVID-19. Additionally, his involvement with youth-led non-profit organizations gives him an edge in working in a multidisciplinary, multi-ethnic environment.

Module(s) taught (in MPH)

  • MPH 520: Quantitative Research Methods
  • MPH 691: Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Health Programmes

Current Projects

1. Project: Effectiveness of a Low-Sodium Salt Intervention to Reduce Blood Pressure at the Population Level in Rural Bangladesh
Donor: Stanford University
Role: Focal

2. Project:  Sustainable, healthy cities: a cluster randomized controlled trial for Aedes control in Brazil (Bangladesh)
Donor: Université de Montréal
Role: Co-Investigator

3. Project: Knowledge, attitude, and behavioral and social factors associated with the uptake of HPV vaccination among school and madrasah-going girls in Bangladesh
Donor: Research Seed Grant Initiative, BRAC University
Role: Co-Investigator

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

1. Rahman M, Tamjid R, Islam MN, Rahman M, Rabbani A and Sarker M (2021) Visual Storytelling for Knowledge Translation: A Study on BRAC’s Novel Health Loans in Protecting the Poor Against Health and Asset Vulnerability In Bangladesh. Front. Trop. Dis. 2:758904. DOI: 10.3389/fitd.2021.758904.

2. Islam MN, Rabbani A, Talukder A, Siddiqua RR, Nujhat S, Rahman M, Roy A, Sarker M (2022) Edutainment and the prevention of under-age marriages: The evaluation of a television series designed to promote positive role models in Bangladesh. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 
DOI: 10.1080/19439342.2023.2195851

3. Chang, A.Y., Rahman, M., Talukder, A. et al. Effectiveness of a community health worker-led low-sodium salt intervention to reduce blood pressure in rural Bangladesh: protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials 24, 480 (2023).
DOI: 10.1186/s13063-023-07518-3


  • Bachelor's in Business Administration (American International University-Bangladesh)