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Nobonita Saha

Research Assistant

Humanitarian Hub

Short Biography

Nobonita Saha is a public health researcher and interested in promoting the transformative power of nutrition. My journey in the field of nutrition began with a Bachelor of Science and continued with a Masters in Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Dhaka. Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of working with diverse individuals, each with their own unique nutritional expertise and aspirations. I have worked on many projects and have exposure in mixed-method study. Currently, I am working with the BRAC James P. Grant School of Public Health, Dhaka, as a research assistant. I am also engaged with the International Culinary Institute, Dhaka, as a guest faculty member in teaching and LCCI Global Qualification appointed external examination assessment. Having worked as a volunteer, I was involved in arranging webinars, and serving community welfare by addressing nutritional problems. I have a few publications in peer-reviewed International Journals as a contributing author and currently working on an ongoing research paper as the lead author. Along with these, I am also focusing on pursuing a PhD in Nutritional Science to develop my knowledge and expertise in practice.

Current Projects

Project: Alive and Thrive
Role: Research Assistant

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

1.	Rahman, S., Saha, N., Sarwar, S., Shamim, A. A., & Shaheen, N. (2022). Can guava (Psidium guajava) leaf extracts develop an indigenous, simplified tool for a semi-quantitative assessment of iron in groundwater? Journal of Water and Health, 20(11), 1644–1653.

2.	Hossain, M. M., Saha, N., Rodela, T. T., Tasnim, S., Nuzhath, T., Roy, T. J., Burdine, J. N., Ahmed, H. U., McKyer, E. L. J., Basu, B. K., & Ma, P. (2022). Global research on syndemics: a meta-knowledge analysis (2001-2020). F1000Research, 11, 253.

3.	Mazumder, H., Islam, K. F., Rahman, F., Gain, E. P., Saha, N., Eva, I. S., Shimul, M. M. H., Das, J., & Hossain, M. M. (2023). Prevalence of anemia in diabetes mellitus in South Asia: A systematic review and metaanalysis. PLoS ONE, 18(5 May).

4.	Mazumder, H., Faizah, F., Gain, E. P., Sharmin Eva, I., Ferdouse Mou, K., Saha, N., Rahman, F., Das, J., Islam, A. M. K., Nesa, F., & Hossain, M. M. (2023). Effectiveness of mental health interventions for older adults in South Asia: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 18(7), e0287883.


National Science Technology Fellowship 2022-23

Research Interests

Nutrition Child and Maternal Health Mental Health Digital Health Epidemiology


  • MSc (University of Dhaka)
  • BSc (University of Dhaka)