Research Projects

Study on Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals Services (SIAPS) in Bangladesh
Year: 2015
IRB Number: 2015-60
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Pharmaceuticals Accreditation Model Drug Seller Retail Drug Shop Regulation Legal Stakeholders

PI: Professor Syed Masud Ahmed

Co PI:

Dr. Edmund Rutta, Dr. Zubayer Hussain


  • To assess the legal and regulatory environment in which the retail drug shops are operating;
  • To determine the availability, affordability, and quality of select essential medicines circulating in the private retail drug shops in Bangladesh;
  • To identify barriers and opportunities for the development of an accreditation model of drug shops for Bangladesh;
  • To explore the perceptions of the community and regulators regarding retail drug shops and the perceptions of the drug sellers regarding acceptance of regulations for an accreditation program in Bangladesh;
  • To provide information to national stakeholders on the feasibility of adapting an accreditation program in Bangladesh.

Donor: Management Sciences for Health