Research Projects

Preparing for epidemics of emerging/re-emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) in LMICS of Asia: opportunities and challenges of delivering frontline (PHC) services to ‘prevent, detect, and respond’
Year: 2021
IRB Number: IRB 23 February 21_003
Organaisation: BRAC JPGSPH
Emerging/Re-Emaerging Infectious Diseases (Eids) Lmics Frontline Phc Service

PI: Professor Syed Masud Ahmed

Objective:To explore the current situation of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases with respect to implementation of Joint External Evaluation (JEE) baseline recommendations for implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) with respect to frontline health workforce at the PHC level in the selected countries.

Donor: National University of Singapore