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Humayra Binte Anwar

Senior Lecturer & Assistant Director

Centre of Excellence for Science of Implementation and Scale-Up (CoE-SISU)

Short Biography

Humayra Binte Anwar is a passionate public health professional with a diverse background in dentistry, preventive medicine, and infectious diseases. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in dental surgery from Dhaka Dental College and pursued further education, earning a Master of Public Health (MPH) from the National Institute of Preventive Medicine. She then completed her PhD at Niigata Graduate School of Medicine and Dental Science. Since 2018, Humayra has been a dedicated lecturer and researcher at the Centre for Science of Implementation and Scale-Up (CoE-SISU) within the BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University. She teaches modules on the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases, Introduction to Implementation Research, and Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Health Programs. In addition to her work at BRAC University, Humayra serves as a lecturer for the MOOC STRIPE project's Implementation Research module at John Hopkins University.

Module(s) taught (in MPH)

  • MPH 691: Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Health Programmes
  • Certificate Course: Introduction to Implementation Research
  • MPH 620: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

Current Projects

TDR International Post Graduate Training Scheme on Implementation Research (focal person)
Co-PI of Project “Implementation research in health campaign effectiveness: A retrospective study in immunization related campaign integration in Bangladesh”

Co-PI of Project “Implementation Research – for DHIS2 app-based individual tracking of children for vaccination (EPI E-tracker) in Moulvibazar District and Zone-5 of Dhaka South City Corporation (2021)”

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

•	Kalbarczyk A, Closser S, Rao A, Akinyemi O, Anwar HB, Mafuta E, Majumdar P, Alonge OO. Translating Implementation Experiences and Lessons Learned From Polio Eradication Into a Global Health Course: Insights From an International Consortium. Global Health: Science and Practice 2021 | Volume 9 | Number 3
•	Anna Kalbarczyk1*, Aditi Rao, Yodi Mahendradhata, Piyusha Majumdar, Ellie Decker, Humayra Binte Anwar, Oluwaseun O. Akinyemi, Ahmad Omid Rahimi, Patrick Kayembe and Olakunle O. Alonge. Evaluating the process of partnership and research in global health: reflections from the STRIPE project. BMC Public Health 2020, 20(Suppl 2):1058 
•	Bhuiyan M, Anwar HB, Anwar RB, Ali MN, Agrawal P. Oral Hygiene Awareness and Practices among a Sample of Primary School Children in Rural Bangladesh. Dentistry Journal. 2020 Jun;8(2):36. doi:10.3390/dj8020036. file:///C:/Users/alamin/Downloads/dentistry-08-00036%20(3).pdf

Research Interests

Infectious Diseases Child and Maternal Health. Implementation research


  • PhD (Niigata University
  • Japan)
  • BDS (Dhaka Dental College)