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Dr. Lamisa Rahman

Senior Research Associate

Centre of Excellence for Health Systems and Universal Health Coverage (COE-HS&UHC)

Short Biography

I am a focused researcher with a total working experience of almost 3 years, summarized as a research associate at North South University, research trainee at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), senior research assistant at the Global Public Health Research Foundation (GPHRF), research assistant at Hitotsubashi University, and research associate at the BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, respectively. At North South University, I have worked on several national and international projects where I have written proposals for grants, conducted data collection, data entry, & analysis using SPSS, and written some manuscripts, among which I have already published two as a co-author and submitted two more. I have participated in and presented an abstract at the 2nd International Conference on Genomics, Nanotech, and Bioengineering, 2022 (ICGNB-2022). The International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) taught me to enter data using ODK Collect. I have also learnt to transcript qualitative data (IDI, FGD) etc. At the Global Public Health Research Foundation (GPHRF), I have done the quality assessment and risk assessment, extracted data, and conducted a project on "mHealth". I've learned how to manage my work in a collaborative environment through previous projects, such as mHealth. Furthermore, I am familiar with the complexities of research work. I trained the enumerators and supervisors, designed the questionnaire using Survey Solutions software, and checked and cleaned the data using STATA. Furthermore, I also worked as a consultant on a systematic review study under the department of the Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University. I am conducting database screening, full-text review, quality assessment, and data preparation for the analysis of research. Currently, I’m working on a qualitative formative study of BHW under the Center of Excellence for Health Systems and Universal Health Coverage (CoEHS&UHC), BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University.

Current Projects

Project: Eliciting voices of health service users at the grassroots: experiences from activities of the regional forums, Bangladesh Health Watch
Donor: Bangladesh Health Watch
Role: Investigator

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

1. Chowdhury, AT;  Siddiqua, SR; Rahman, L;  Hossian, M; and Nabi, MH. (2022). Internet addiction during COVID-19 restricted movement period: A cross-sectional study from Bangladesh. F1000research, version 1; 11(519)

2. Koly, KN; Muzaffar, R; Monisha, UK; Saba,J; Rahman, L; Billah, MA; Das, J; Rozars, MFK;  Alam, N; Kamrunnahar, Chowdhury, S; Abdullah, R; Hawlader, MDH. (2023). Prevalence of insomnia among the post-menopausal women who suffered from COVID-19 in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional study. Heliyon, 9(3)

Research Interests

Lamisa has multidisciplinary research interests such as environmental health occupational health universal health coverage health services research in developing countries and health promotion.


  • MPH (North South University)
  • BDS (University of Dhaka)